31 Maggio 2023 By admin Non attivi


[1] “Apr 28, 2022 · Essentially, Blazor allows a developer to build interactive client-side applications with HTML, CSS, and C#. On the other hand, React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces and UI components.” URL: https://blog.logrocket.com/blazor-vs-react-minimize-javascript/ [2] “Sep 16, 2021 · Microsoft’s Blazor web-dev tech received a raft of improvements in the new .NET 6 Release Candidate 1, including the ability to create custom elements, render components from JavaScript and even generate Angular and React components.” URL: https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2021/09/16/aspnet-core-updates.aspx [3] “Oct 10, 2022 · React is a Javascript library that was launched in 2013 by Facebook to enable developers to build intuitive interfaces and UI components. Blazor on the other hand is a UI framework that was launched in 2018 by Microsoft. Unlike React, Blazor relies on C# and Razor syntax, instead of Javascript, to create reusable and intuitive user interfaces.” URL: https://cleancommit.io/blog/blazor-vs-react-pick-the-best-stack-for-your-project/